Rustic Eleganza

Hi all! Longtime lurker, first time poster! Im not really savvy with the blogosphere, so bear with me as I learn how to do this… some of you know me from IG, I baked myself numb and found Dorie! Now, I’m just baking like a normal person. 

I made the apple pandowdy, which is something I’ve never heard of before, but I was grateful, because it’s such a fun word to say! It was the last day of the farmers market and the last vendor standing was the apple farm, so this was meant to be!  The pandowdy came together really quickly, using a variety of apples, as one does in these types of recipes. Peeled and diced, tossed in the pan with the rest of the stuff and topped that with the crust. I’ve made dories pie crust before, and it is a great and easy recipe- very forgiving- which is great because making pies and tarts beautiful is not my forte…but with a pandowdy, who cares!?! It’s triangles of dough! It’s rustic and scrappy, just like me. πŸ’‍♀️ 

PS- delicious with ice cream! 


  1. Looks great! I’m looking forward to trying this one.

  2. Rustic and scrappy! Yours looks fabulous!

  3. It looks great and I am sure it was delicious!

  4. First time poster, you are doing great. I am happy this one was a hit especially with ice cream.

  5. I never heard of Pandowdy, but the story behind is great. Welcome to the blogging world,

  6. Looks perfect. And deliciously easy with no bottom crust. Dorie Rules!!


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